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优秀的领导者、拥有非凡成就的人以及在商业世界留下印记的人都有一个共同点:他们造就成功。他们将整个企业凝聚在一起。从这一点来说,企业只有拥有得力的领导来设立目标、激励他人和领导企业,才能获得持久的成功。 我们的领导力发展培训模块涉及多个主题,包括领导强大的团队和道德领导力等,这些主题不仅可以提高领导者的信心和能力,还有助于建立全情投入的企业文化,在这里,团队成员对自己的能力充满信心,乐于为企业做出自己的贡献。 乐高的创新方法使员工通过职业技能的学习能够致力于实现企业目标,也为一些著名的企业领导者带来了显著的成果。浏览领导力主题列表,了解更多关于领导力发展培训模块的内容。
Course Overview 课程大纲
This course transforms managers focused on tactics, to leaders dedicated to communicating, implementing and supporting the strategic vision.
What You’ll Learn学习内容
Discover the 5 Drivers of Leadership Success and master an 8-Step Planning process that enables you to define and align performance goals. Learn to recognize the potential in others and effective coaching techniques to help them realize their goals. Explore processes for driving innovation and delegating to match talent to task.
学会依据成功领导力的 5 个驱动因素和规划流程的 8 个步骤制定和调整绩效目标。学会发现他人潜力,掌握有效的培训方法,帮助他人实现目标。探索促进创新和人尽其才的流程。
Why you want to learn it学习原因
Leaders who demonstrate certain principles create an environment where employees are motivated, not forced, to bring their best to work. Certain principles strengthen teamwork and trust, leading to a more cohesive, creative and constructive workforce. You’ll gain the skills to motivate teams, and what can be more valuable than that?
How it will help you学习效果
You will maximize your own performance, become a stronger leader, and add more value to the organization. Become a champion leader who strategically aligns organizational objectives with individual development goals so that both roads lead to breakthrough performance.
你将提高个人绩效,成为一个强大的领导者,为企业增添更多价值。 一个成功的领导者会将企业目标和个人发展目标统一起来,从而推动这两个领域获得突破性的发展。